Not Sure If I Have What it Takes


Hi All! I've been lurking on this forum for a few days and have really enjoyed reading all the posts. I am thinking about taking the CNA class offered at a local nursing home but have some worries and am hoping you can give me some feedback. I am 53 years old and am a retired preschool teacher. I did do CNA work back in the late 1970's for several years (I did not need certification back then). I loved working with the residents, of course, and I remember the work was pretty strenuous and I stayed very busy and on my feet for nearly 8 hours/day. I handled all that fairly easily -- but I was also THIRTY YEARS younger and much thinner then! :eek:

I confess I need to lose about a hundred pounds but am slowly doing that. I also walk my dogs for 30 minutes a day -- at a fairly brisk walk. Do you think I can meet the demands of a CNA job? I have a compassionate heart and am a hard worker -- but I'm worried I may struggle with the physical aspects of this job.

My main reason for going into this field is I want to get involved in helping people. I've always had a soft spot for seniors and would love to be able to work with them on a daily basis.

Your thoughts? Thank you, MattieFern :loveya:

Hey! I am a student right now so this will be a very generalized response, but I hope it helps.

You said you were working on weight loss? I assume that when you first started briskly walking your dogs it was a little more demanding than it may be now.

Maybe a high demand job would be good for you then. Over time as you get stronger and thinner you will be become quicker and lighter. Plus you will be forced to push yourself maybe a little bit more than you would if say, you were working out alone. Your patients would be your motivation.

You sound like this work is a passion and not just a job so I think you would be fine :yeah:

Luckystarr -- thanks so much for the encouragment! :specs: I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to my post (and calm my fears!). I feel better already. Thanks again!

Specializes in Neurosciences, Med-Surg-CNA.

I think you can definitely do it. It sounds to me like you are very passionate about it and I think that would help a lot. I was a CNA for about 1 year and i am now a RN. I understand about the weight loss too. I lost a lot when I started my cna job. It was tough work but if you put your mind to it you can get it done.

Good luck and let us know how it works out!!!

Thanks, mrsshifflette09! I really appreciate the support :) Weight loss is never easy...that's for sure!

Absolutely! Go for it! You have the heart, desire and compassion to do this, and you mentioned you are a hard worker and also have a soft spot for seniors. In addition you also had experience doing this 30 years ago, and so you know quite a bit of what it entails.

The thing that is your greatest concern are the physical aspects such as needing to lose weight, and that you're older now. Don't let that limit you at all! I'm 53 years old myself, and used to weigh over 200 pounds. I'm going for my CNA right now, and am in the process of starting clinicals. I'm working another job, and also volunteer for Hospice. To get into shape, I started walking, then bought some work-out DVDs to do at home which incorporated cardio, strength training, Yoga and Pilates. I'm now down to 125 pounds at 5'5", and am feeling better than ever! I have more energy, flexibility and mental acuteness, and am totally motivated to move forward with this new change in my career. So . . . I personally know this is possible, and want to encourage you to do the same! Also, a previous poster mentioned that doing CNA work basically gets you into shape, or will continue to keep you in shape. That is another plus! ;)

Good luck with this! Please don't let the weight or the years keep you from something you have such a desire to do. You sound like a compassionate, caring person, and I know you could give so much to the elderly. BTW, I also have a heart for Seniors, as well as for the disabled and dying, and that was the primary factor I wanted to pursue this work.

Once again, I say go for it! :redpinkhe

Dream Girl -- thanks so much! I'm so glad I posted in these forums -- I feel very inspired and encouraged by all of you! Thanks again everyone :loveya:

I am 51, and decided I wanted to do this as well. I actually start my classes in 2 weeks and was concerned if I could do it. But after reading these posts, I think I I WILL. :)

Azeala -- hang in there! We CAN do this! Best wishes, MattieFern :coollook:

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