NICU Nurse Salary Austin and Dallas Texas


Specializes in NICU.

Hi! I'm a NICU nurse in NYC and am thinking about moving to Texas (Austin or Dallas specifically). I am currently making about $50 per hour and I know that I am likely going to take a pay cut once I move there. I am wondering what the average hourly rate is for an experienced NICU nurse? Thanks so much!

Specializes in Informatics / Trauma / Hospice / Immunology.

First Austin is 17.4% more expensive than Dallas to live in mainly due to home cost. From Payscale the median to upper 10% for Austin $31.33-$42.08. From job postings in Dallas, $41-$48. Apparently Houston pays the best and then Dallas. People like Austin but avoid doing nursing there because the cost is so high and the pay is so low.

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