Published Apr 18, 2011
1 Post
Hi my name is beth.
I am a licensed CNA and have been working at my first job for 7 years.
I am currently trying to get into the practical nursing program at North Georgia Technical College (there is 38 of us trying to get in and they are only accepting like 15 or so).
They are first accepting applications by our PSB scores then our cumulative GPA then our core classes GPA.
We just had our meeting today where they told us all the specifics so now everyone is going home and trying to find out all they can and try to study for the PSB exam.
Wish me luck and if their is any advice or websites or books that anyone could recommend that would be awesome.
I look forward to conversing with you all and I am very happy that I stumbled across this website.
Hopefully soon to be practical nursing student,
465 Posts
I took the PSB-RN exam and I found it to be very easy. I'm not sure how it differs from the PSB for practical nursing, but if the two are at all similar you shouldn't have a problem. Mine consisted of spelling, science, reading comprehension, math and spatial relations (a thing where they give you patterns that you have to complete), and some other reading and grammar sections. We didn't have a lot of time, for instance we had 15 minutes to do one 75 question section, but they don't expect you to answer every question. Just be sure that you've answered the questions you do know so that you have a high percent of correct answers, and don't stress if you skip some or leave some unanswered. It isn't hard, but the test can be intimidating and daunting at the time. I bought one of the PSB study books at Barnes and Noble, it cost about $25 and I spent the weekend before my exam studying. I scored higher than 90% of the people who took the exam with me, and got into the nursing program at my school. I think the book was a big help, and I'd advise that you buy one. Good luck!