Market for New Grads in NY

U.S.A. New York


Hi everyone,

I need some advice. I'm a new grad from Cali, and I've been out about 6 months, which I know to many people isn't that long, comparatively, but still, I'm not feeling optimistic about getting a job anywhere here..even the more "rural" areas. My question is, how is the job market for new grad nurses in NY, and even neighboring states like NJ? I'm thinking of getting a license in another state, and I'm not really sure where to start, but I would like to experience the East Coast as a change of setting. Any thoughts?

I am looking in Texas and I already started the process for acquiring a Texas license. I was simply curious about how new grads fare in NY. I didn't start a thread to be discouraged or feel guilty about my reasons for going into nursing. Thank you for the advice though.

I was interested in nursing for the cash, job security and the freedom to wear sneakers to work!

Joking ;P

Thanks everyone for their contributions/ advice to fellow unemployed RNs. I really hope the market picks up soon.

Initially I was focusing on staying somewhat local (~200 mile radius), but after a month of licensure I expanded to the surrounding states. After a few months I began searching nation wide. Shucks..... I even had a phone interview for a maternity position (I'm a dude btw.... and basically willing to take almost any position).... *in a city/ state a few months earlier I would of never considered.

**I'm not to concerned with salary. As long as take home is enough to cover cost of living, travel, medical ectect.

The process has been difficult... Also it has been unsettling to see a few friends in the field get cut back/ let go (new grads AND experienced RNs). The few that are lucky to have employment keep mentioning unsafe workloads (veteran nurses on their units are often verbalizing their concern for client safety, as well as their own). *

I am a new grad in NYC. I graduated in January 2013 with an ADN, took the NCLEX in April 2013. It is now May 2013 and I start my first RN job tomorrow. I was like you. Applying online, which takes so much of your time, then not getting any calls back. Finally, I got so frustrated and after crying my eyes out for a whole day literally from 10am to 2am, I decided to apply to every job posting whether I was qualified or not. I went to posted my resume and just clicked the button where it says apply from your phone. I was not even reading the job descriptions. I went down the list and clicked away. I was out at a pub scrolling through the list and clicking away. lol. I got a lot of calls asking if I had experience and was told that when I got a year or two experience to call back. I also got a lot of calls from staffing agencies who were willing to work with me as a new grad even though employers wanted experienced nurses. The staffing agency sent me on 3 interviews in one week. I was so desperate for a job, after being out of work for 3 years because I went to nursing school and cared for my son. I really sold myself in one of the interviews. I mean I was talking more than the interviewer was. I watched for cues from her as to whether what I was saying satisfied her questions and kept talking until I did. That was a 2 hour interview where I poured out my heart and told her why I went into nursing, what my future goals were and why I would be a great candidate. I was hired 2 days later. I am a new grad in an ambulatory surgery center in NYC with great pay and benefits. Don't give up. There are jobs out there. Private offices are always looking to hire RN's and are willing to train you. Take a lower salary if you must, this will set you apart from an experienced RN who will not accept pay lower than what they have been getting in their previous jobs. Go to staffing agencies and do temp work in the mean time, they will hire you and it's quite cash. You will have a thousand No's but all you need is one Yes! Good luck and keep too will post your victorious story here very soon:-) Keep looking and enjoy the summer while you can, because when you do start working, you wont have time to pee....hehehehehehe

Hard to say. I've had my license for almost 17 months and had zero luck..... However, a few of my old classmates/students I tutored have been able to secure positions in as little as 3 months ( majority... If not all had connections ). It's truly frustrating knowing the amount of time and effort that I now feel has been wasted.... I truly was extremely excited to become a part of of this proffession. This whole situation is crazy.... Hospitals are demanding more from staff while cutting their nurse:patient ratios to bare bones...... Majority of my friends in the feild are starting to resent nursing as a proffession ( bs politics, lack of job security, dangerous nurse to patient loads and less resources, lack of suport and so on ). I'm hearing about proffessionals being cut back/fired and I'm starting to ask myself if pursuing a career as an RN was a realistic goal/ wise choice.

:End Rant

I know how you feel. :yawn:I was sick to my stomach over the job market here in NYC. If you went into nursing for the right reasons then stick with it. YOU ARE A NURSE! Hospitals are not the only places to apply. I gave up on hospitals and found a job as a new grad ADN in a private practice OR/PACU. My dream job is at a hospital but honestly I would have taken any RN position in any facility just to begin my career. I even applied to drug rehab centers, HIV clinics, methadone clinics, dialysis centers, asthma clinics, etc. Don't limit yourself with hospital jobs. Truthfully I felt like if they didn't want me and my education means nothing to them then I will go where I am appreciated. There are jobs out there you just have to be willing to take a pay cut and get in where you fit in, then down the line move into the position of your dreams. What sets you apart from an experienced nurse is your enthusiasm for the field and the fact that you are not picky and flexible. That will take you where you want to go....eventually!;)

The job market in Atlanta, GA isn't quite bad. I am an RN in NY and I applied for a position one evening for a hospital in GA and the next morning I got a call from the hospital, I did a phone interview that went phenomenal and they wanted me to come down the next week to interview in front of the panel. About 5 people I went to school with have moved to Georgia because of the job opportunities all oh whom are working in great units such at Open Heart Recovery, Operating rooms, etc. Good Luck!

The job market in Atlanta, GA isn't quite bad. I am an RN in NY and I applied for a position one evening for a hospital in GA and the next morning I got a call from the hospital, I did a phone interview that went phenomenal and they wanted me to come down the next week to interview in front of the panel. About 5 people I went to school with have moved to Georgia because of the job opportunities all oh whom are working in great units such at Open Heart Recovery, Operating rooms, etc. Good Luck!

Hi, which hospitals did you apply to in Altanta, GA? Thank you

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