Published Dec 29, 2016
EmpoweRN, RN
21 Posts
Wow... 2016 was fantastic for so many reasons! It really flew by, but in a good way.
In this video, I would like to take the opportunity to give you some New Year's goal planning tips.
I have people come up to me all the time amazed at how much I accomplish, however, if they knew how much planning I did... it really would not seem so amazing, trust me. Goal planning can be hard, time consuming and sometimes a little depressing because you have to seriously be honest about where you currently are. However, the fruit of that labor, with consistent work and action towards the goals is priceless.
So let me tell you a few tips that will help you make sure you consciously do all you can to have a very productive and meaningful 2017.
Here is my 5 step process:
#1 Gratitude - Write a list of things that happened in the previous year that you are grateful for. It could look something like this:
#2 Clean - When it comes to goal planning, it is best to have a clear and focused mind. Having a clean desk, room and environment I believe are key. Take the time to do some really in-depth cleaning. Clean out drawers and closets that you have been avoiding, organize your closet and clean until you can take a deep breath and say to yourself: "It is done."
#3 Plan Your Life - Not just a year:
If you have done this before, compare this to your previous years and see what feels right and make changes accordingly.
#4 Organize your goals:
#5 Now - put this somewhere where you will see it everyday. I have this on my bathroom mirror and I look at it every morning when I get ready for the day.
Here are some places where you can create your own journal or planner, but honestly even a quick google search will help you find many more:
Bound Custom JournalsZazzle Custom Notebooks and Journals
Make My Notebook
I hope you liked this video! If you did, please give it a thumbs up and also don't forget to post your New Year's Goal Planning tip too!
Cannot wait to read your comments.
Much love,