Published Feb 28, 2004
419 Posts
I have an interview at a large clinic on Tuesday. I was wondering if you think a new grad could work in a Dr. office?
I know I'd love the hours, weekends + holidays off, etc.
I've been reading a lot of the posts here regarding salary, etc, and it sounds like you make less $$ but the hours, days off, no evenings or nights to work really make up for the lower wages, am I right?
I am 47 years old, worked in a hospital as a CNA for a lot of years before going to RN school.
Would like your opinions about new grads working in Dr. offices.
9 Posts
In my opinion, it's beneficial to have a knowledge base and some experience before working in a office setting. I work in family practice, and we see many different diagnoses. My work on telemetry and med-surg units has helped me understand symptoms and I can pick up on certain problems more easily. Some offices may only hire nurses with prior experience, so look around. Good luck in your search!!
175 Posts
Congrads on finishing nursing school
I think working first in an acute care setting is most beneficial as you learn so much about disease, overall healthcare etc.
However I do not want to discourage you as I think office nursing is wonderful and an excellent place to learn.. you can learn much from the docs themselves and from fellow workers
You said it is a large clinic.. so you should be able to work side by side with other nurses who can teach you and help you to become an excellent office nurse. Keep an open mind and stay curious, it is a bright new world
Good Luck ..keep us informed!!
Joy and Smiles * :)
Well, I had my interview, etc. and found out the pay is only $13/hr. I was really disappointed about that. The clinic/urgent care is very busy and although I think I would like it there, I feel that I do need experience in a hospital setting first.
I have an interview today at a different hospital for a med/surg position that pays $17.65/hr. I think I would be better off with that position, wish me luck and thanks for the replies.