New Nurse Graduate in need of help

Nurses General Nursing


When I started nursing school, I had no idea that it would be so hard and that I wold have to be dedicated and consistent. I didn't mind the sacrifice because I knew that it was for a greater good. I successfully completed my exit Hesi and attended my graduation and pinning ceremony early August. As of September 16, I have received my letter from the BON in FL stating that my application is now complete. I am ready to sit for the boards except for the fact that I do not have the funds to cover the fee. I understand that every one needs help at some point in their lives. I want to be able to pay it forward in the future and help a nursing student/ graduate that is in need. However today, I am not asking for a handout. I am asking that someone help me by loaning me money to better myself. I created a profile on a site called Kiva. Kiva is a crowfunding site similar to Gofundme and Fundable, however, Kiva is unique because it allows the recipients to pay the money back to all that lent a helping hand. Please help me take my board exams by loaning me the money via Kiva. Kiva - You're invited to Join Kiva

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