New Navy nurse


Hi! I am starting this thread because I was recently accepted to the Navy Nurse Corps and I'm hoping to connect with other nurses who are or already have been. I just found out my first duty station will be Jacksonville, Florida  and my ODS start date is January 12, 2025.

I am super excited but nervous as well for this new experience!

Congratulations! I found out I go to ODS in May! Wanna connect?!

Specializes in VA/web design.

Congrats ladies! I just got accepted into NCP, and I'm graduating in August so ways to go until I know when my ODS is or where I'll be stationed! But I'd love to connect :) I'm curious to see what your timeline was like (between enlistment, the detailer/Bumed person reaching out and setting up post graduate stuff)

Congratulations! That's awesome!! I'm putting my packet together now. Good luck and have fun! 

Congrats! My package was submitted November and still haven't heard anything. I'm actually okay with it since I'm completing my clinical hours for FNP and will be done end of May. I was going to try and leave sometime after that so I can graduate on time! I will update on this post once I have a date! 

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