New Member, New Nursing Student!


Hello Everyone!

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Renee... friends call me Rae, I am new to the board, and a brand new nursing student.

I am in my first semester of a ADN program. I am a 37 year old mother of 4, I am married to a wonderful man... and kinda scared to death to be changing careers midlife.

I have spent most of my life working in offices and on computers in business administration. I am now working in a nursing home as a CNA so I can get exerience in the medical field.

I am hoping to find a student support group here or just to ask questions of seasoned nurses. And also hoping to find that there are other women or men my age that are kinda doing the same thing. I feel really old going back to school, and all of the students are much younger than I am... I hope I can keep up.

I would love to talk with other students and nurses about things I learn in class I think it will be so helpful.

Anyway.. that is me in a nutshell... Thank you for reading my post.

Best wishes,


Hi, and welcome, I am fairly new here, you will love it. Everyone is so nice, and warm. And willing to help, and support. I too am a student nurse, and there is a forum here for just student nurses, just scroll down from the main menu to find it. I have had wonderful expeirences thus far, and I am sure you will too. Don't be concerened about your age, a lot of us are "older" than your "average" student. I wish you luck and success, and have fun doing it! This site is GREAT!!!!!!! and thank you too all here who have welcomed me:kiss Jami

Originally posted by Raevyn

Hello Everyone!

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Renee... friends call me Rae, I am new to the board, and a brand new nursing student.

I am in my first semester of a ADN program. I am a 37 year old mother of 4, I am married to a wonderful man... and kinda scared to death to be changing careers midlife.

I have spent most of my life working in offices and on computers in business administration. I am now working in a nursing home as a CNA so I can get exerience in the medical field.

I am hoping to find a student support group here or just to ask questions of seasoned nurses. And also hoping to find that there are other women or men my age that are kinda doing the same thing. I feel really old going back to school, and all of the students are much younger than I am... I hope I can keep up.

I would love to talk with other students and nurses about things I learn in class I think it will be so helpful.

Anyway.. that is me in a nutshell... Thank you for reading my post.

Best wishes,


Hi Rae and welcome to the Board. Please don't let your age bother you. I didn't sit for my Boards until I was thirty-eight. Your age will bring maturity to the table that will only benefit you. And the younger students will seek you out for your wisdom and your life experience. I'll be glad to answer any questions I can that you may come up with a long the way. Don't let your feelings get hurt if we become a little cynical with our answers. Originally posted by Raevyn , " I have spent most of my life working in offices and on computers in business administration." You should be right at home then the paperwork will be just as heavy if not more. Good luck with college.

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