Published Nov 8, 2007
8 Posts
I am very disappointed and frustrated. I cannot seem to find a job. I am a new LPN, with no experience in long term care. I have been a stay at home mom for many years, so I dont have a great job history. I have been in private duty however not in a CNA or GNA status. Everyone is asking for at least one year experience,or I am beat out by the GNAs or CNAs who already work at the facility who are waiting a position. Can someone give me some suggestions. I am not picky at all. The only thing I am specifically looking for is night or evening hours....even weekends. I live in Maryland....very upsetting to think that all the struggling I did to get through nursing school and not be able to work. Anyone know of jobs in Maryland excepting new LPNs
please PM me. Thank you!!
57 Posts
I live in NC and just graduated LPN and passed boards. Right after passing boards I applied to a large teaching hospital that had a opening in the LTC and got the job I start orientation in a week, it was my first choice b/c my goal is to continue on to get my RN. Anyway, I worked in a assisted living facility as a CNA but did not have that status if that makes since. I would recommend you start at a LTC facility. Coming from NY originally, I know B-more has a lot of large hospitals and LTC facility. I wish you all the luck I let me know what happened.
Thank you for your response. I have tried Long term care. I am running into a problem with in house preference and that I am new LPN that needs training that is not always in the budget. Also this time of year I suppose it difficult finding a job, as no one is making changes in thier employment this time of year. OH well I will just have to keep on trying. Thanks again for your reply.
239 Posts
Hi, I had the same problem as a new LPN, but kept plugging away for several weeks by checking job boards (monster, careerbuilder, etc), and by hand delivering a nice resume and cover letter to the LTC places in my neighborhood (Philadelphia). I eventually ended up with a super job - not LTC - but had several other offers at one time. Keep looking and applying; be sure to put your best foot forward with a professional letter and resume, and something will turn up. At least in Philly, people turned cartwheels when I said that I was willing to work the 3-11 shift, so that might be an advantage for you.
Good luck, and keep us posted!
Thank you Ebyrnes, its nice to know that someone else made it through the new graduate job placement period and was successfull. Its holiday time and I was so looking forward to making some extra money. Oh well, I will keep searching, I know there is a job out there for me. Thank you again for your post. I will definitely post when I find a job.
545 Posts
I had the "we need 1 years experience issue" in the beginning. I looked up nursing homes online in my area (I actually typed in nursing homes in mycity mystate) and I called every single one of them from the top down. The first thing I said tot he DON, after hi was "do you hire NEW nurses?" If it was yes, I then asked are you hiring for 11-7 (or whatever shift you are doing), if they said yes, I'd then ask what time they are available so I can come in a talk to them.. it puts them on the spot to give you a time.
Anyway, some places wouldn't hire me for my 11-7 shift because I was new. Other places returned my call and jumped at the chance. Many places do not advertise in the paper from my experience. They use agency nurses if they are short and they would much rather pay for training than pay agency! I made close to 50 phone calls and got about 8 responses back. I sent my resume to about 10 places and got 2 responses back. Bottom line, don't give up and flood the area with your info :-)
Good luck!