New Graduate Nurse- Can't Find Job


I know there are so many of these posts out there and believe me I have spent months reading them and then reading them again. I graduated with my BSN in December of 2014, took my boards in March 2015, passed and have been applying for jobs every day since. I have applied for roughly 200 jobs? I've sent emails, delivered cover letters to human resources, followed up and then followed up again with no luck. It's hard to not feel defeated and feel I should start applying in different fields even though I love nursing. I've expanded my search throughout the entire state of South Carolina and cannot afford to relocate farther than that. I cannot honestly afford to not find a nursing job for much longer as nannying and other small jobs are not going to cover my living expenses and student loans. So my question is does anyone have advice on other career fields I may be qualified for with my degree and if I decide to take another job, will I be giving up my chances of ever being a nurse?

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