New grad RN, relocating to San Diego

Nurses Career Support


I am a new grad RN and I'm moving to San Diego in the spring 2011. I have an associates degree. I would like to work somewhere, and start taking classes for a bachelors after a year or so. I'm moving from Hawaii. I have some questions:

Where would be a good place to live? I like beach towns that are convenient, but have a small-town feel. I would probably be far too overwhelmed in a place like NYC. But I don't want to live in a rural area either. I like to ride by bike most places, and it would be great if I could get around without a car.

Where would be a good place to work? I'd love to be in a teaching hospital that prided itself on educating new grads and being leaders in technology and information. I'm coming from an extremely rural area and would prefer to get as much experience as possible. It needs to be a hospital that hires RN's with associate degrees.

Where is a good place to go to school? Again, I'd like to get a quality education at a reputable university. I need to go someplace that offers the RN to BSN program.

Thank you for any info you can offer!


Specializes in telemetry, progressive care unit, MRI.

Hello, I have noticed that you relocated from hawaii. I too moved from Hawaii and relocated here in San Diego. So I just wanted to ask, were you able to find an RN position here in san diego? If so where are you working? Are they hiring?

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