Published May 12, 2012
90 Posts
Hi guys,
I'm a new grad RN and have my first 2 interviews next week, one in the ED and one for the ICU. For any of you that have interviewed there, please please let me know what kinds of questions they will be asking and and tips or advice on how to answer!!
188 Posts
I was hired into the ED a year ago - I remember mostly questions were the obvious interview questions - but the ones specific to the ED seemed to be about escalation - if I felt a Pt wasn't getting the proper treatment or attention would I escalate the situation and get the doc involved and if the doc is not responding as I think the Pt needs would I hesitate to escalate to the charge, manager, ADN etc? They seemed to want to know where my ego was at - like do I care if I embarrass myself by overreacting? Am I too proud to end up on occasion having overreacted? People in the ED are often VERY sick and often I have multiple VERY sick Pts at a time so they wanted to know was I going to speak up early and often even if it meant getting the doc back in the room only to look at me a little sideways and say "He/She's OK!"
You can't really be shy or quiet in the ED, you have to speak up, be clear and concise, get your questions answered, and use all the team members available to get the Pts stable and ready for dispo to wherever they will be dispo'd! So I feel like they asked me alot of questions just to see how directly and clearly I answered them!
When I went to the HR interview the nurse recruiter asked me all kinds of stuff - including how I do a rapid head to toe assessment; critical thinking examples, etc. Ugh it's all so stressful, I remember I was very glad I had a blazer on because I was drenched in sweat when those interviews were over!
Armygirl7, thank you so much for your reply! I actually got the job offer for the ED position! I'm so excited and scared at the same time... good scared though! Ahhh...