New Grad Positions

Nursing Students General Students


Hi all,

Does anyone here have a decent source for new grad jobs across the US? I've looked online, I think, almost everywhere, but can only find just a few jobs for new grads. It's a bit absurd that there are not more new grad job available! With the nursing shortage at hand, how do administrators expect to staff if we who have just graduated can't get the experience we need to further our careers and fill vacant positions?

Any and all comments would be appreciated.



Go to the websites of the exact facilities you are looking at. In my area, the hospitals and the psych facilities do not advertise on monster etc generally unless they cannot fill the position using their websites. I have not looked at LTC or whatnot but I'm sure they are similar.

IMO your best bet anyways is to figure out where you want to work, and contact them all directly. It shows initiative and will give you a chance to put your face to the nameless resume.

Are there particular areas in the US that you want to work? Are you looking to relocate? I have posted my resume with hot jobs and recruiters began to contact me through email about various positions in US. Also like scorpiostudent commented if you know what area you want to work you can google the hospitals in that area and apply on line that way, in addition there is another website called after college that you could check out, you can put in your search criteria including that you are looking for new grad positions. I still have not found a job but I'm also not wanting to locate... all I can say is that you just need to be persistant and follow up. I think as a new grad its a numbers thing... get your resume out there and eventually you will get a job... and remember once you get the first job and some experience, it's much easier to transfer to a position that you would prefer. Good luck:D

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