Neuropsychological testing for ADHD


Does anyone know where I can find the names of the various tests, what they test for specifically, and how the test is carried out? I'm researching ADHD on PubMed where various tests are mentioned in the abstracts but I don't know know enough about them to make sense of all those abstracts. I think I might post this under nursing educators too if I haven't heard anything here in the next week or so.

Thanks ahead of time.

Specializes in NICU, PICU,IVT,PedM/S.

the amen clinic has a SPECT scan for a tool in dx of ADHD. It is a pretty intresting site.

the amen clinic has a SPECT scan for a tool in dx of ADHD. It is a pretty intresting site.

Thanks NurseIam. I've heard of him. There is some controversy over the use of SPECT technology because of the contrast media, and whether or not it can be used as a diagnostic test. Still I'm on his newletter list.

I found another site called Play Attention. You actually buy (not rent/lease)the hardware: a helmet, and brainwave interpreter device. It teaches the helmet wearer to increase brain wave activity in the prefrontal lobe by playing games with the use of the wearer's brain - its a biofeedback kind of thing. The games are geared to increase memory, to increase attentional span, to filter out distractions, to maintain concentration while studying anything (text, graphs, notes - not just the computer games). The site explains that this isn't intended to take the place of medication. Pretty fascinating. You can even ask for a free CD that shows the games, how it works, recommended regiment but it is rather pricey at $1800 even with a money back guarantee but that is the cost of technology.

Thanks again.


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