Published Jul 16, 2005
112 Posts
I was just wondering which is the best way to study for the NET and the TEAS. Can anyone tell me how well they did on the test, and how you did it. Also, what would be the best way to prepare myself? I'm taking the NET and TEAS in October and I bought the NET, HOBET, and HELP manual, all three tests in one, the author put it in one manual. If you have or heard of this manual, would you say it was helpful or not. I've read it so far and it sounds somewhat helpful, I'm not 100% sure what this test might have, because I'm afraid this manual might not be complete, since it's such a small book. Are all books this small?
5 Posts
I bought the same manual to study for the NET. I read it and took the A practice test about 3months before my NET. I only got a couple wrong so I didn't worry about preparing any more than that. I think the study guide you bought should help you get a good idea of what to expect on the NET. Especially the math part, if you do well on the practice test math portion you should do fine on the NET math portion.
Good luck!
70 Posts
I was successful with the study guide you have for the NET. For the TEAS, get the TEAS study guide because that test was a little different. I also used my NET book to study for the math for TEAS. The questions were identical to the study guides for me.