need nurse manager to interview about role transition


hi, I have an assignment about role transitioning from school to the actual field, and it requires that I interview a nurse manager. If you don't mind answering some questions, please either pm me or reply here.

These questions will pertain to your specific workplace. I understand that each workplace has its own protocol and traditions. You don't need to identify where you work.

You don't need to answer every question, just whatever you're comfortable with. =)

1. At your workplace, what are the expectations for a new graduate?

2. What type of orientation program is involved? Who was your guide? How long was your orientation? Did you feel that it sufficiently prepared you for your responsibilities?

3. What did you wish someone had told you about your field when you were in nursing school?

4. What did you find most surprising or unexpected about being a nurse when you first started working?

5. Did you feel you had a good support system at your workplace? Were there good protocols in place to help you direct and resolve your concerns or questions?

6. Which unit do you work on? What is a typical day like for you?

7. What is your schedule like? Do you work 12-hr shifts or 8-hr shifts, and how many days a week? How often do you work overtime?

8. What do you think can be improved about the nursing field?

thank you so much for your time.

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