need input starting skin team in LTC FAC.

Specialties Geriatric


My thanks to all who replied to my post about the survey process . It was very informative. I passed the info on. I am part of a team that is going to implement a skin care team at my facility. We got creamed on skin issues during last survey. I am an LPN and will be the nursing skin specialist on the team. I have much respect and repore with all the disiplines at our facility and with administration. I feel pretty confident that I will be allowed to take the team in any direction. What's the best ,latest, and greatest concepts etc. going out there with regard to this issuue. Any and all info greatly appriectated. I am not into reinventing the wheel.


Originally posted by j.eaton:

My thanks to all who replied to my post about the survey process . It was very informative. I passed the info on. I am part of a team that is going to implement a skin care team at my facility. We got creamed on skin issues during last survey. I am an LPN and will be the nursing skin specialist on the team. I have much respect and repore with all the disiplines at our facility and with administration. I feel pretty confident that I will be allowed to take the team in any direction. What's the best ,latest, and greatest concepts etc. going out there with regard to this issuue. Any and all info greatly appriectated. I am not into reinventing the wheel.

Write a procedure policy that includes:

Who will be on the team(share it with 2-3 people, have a 2 of two at a time so u can turn people and does not take as long)

When u will make rounds(same day and time each wk if possible)

Have a dressing/skin care cart that can be carried or rolled to each room

Specify what the procedure is for the nurses on the unit to notify the wound care team and other disciplines like dietary.

Have a form to write a weekly summary on for each resident with decubitis

Write down what will be documented on each resident.

To keep up with the latest on skin care, look at the latest wound care books( has some) and think about going to a conference on skin care. Hope this helps.

This may show up twice since this is the first time I have posted anything!

We have a skin care team in our 362 bed facility. ADON, COTA,LPN, CNA, Unit sec,

diet tech. We meet weekly. Make rounds on

all 10 units. Checking positioning, working with staff to ask them if they have questions

or anyone they need help with. Meet with vendors and make recommendations for new products. Track pressure ulcers weekly. Post a graph to show how many ulcers per unit. Everyone sees each others progress. If there are no ulcers the unit gets a gold star on graph. The DON hand writes a note to the staff telling them "great job". This skin care team has help initiate a skin care protocal which is used by entire facility.

Norton scale is used to identify at risk residents and careplan is initiated day one of admission.

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