Published Oct 29, 2008
237 Posts
I have to write a diabetic research paper for my clinicals and I am looking for some information. We are having a diabetic educator come talk to us but I have been starting to compile some information before hand. I have to cover many areas of diabetes but would like to ask you that have experience in this field: What is your role in diabetic education? I am not looking for someone to write my paper for me...there are many subtopics that I need to write about but I am looking for knowledge from experienced diabetic nurses/educators. I will quote you, word-for-word and I will even email you a copy of my completed paper (in APA format even) if you choose. I am just looking for different information that may/may not be inlcuded on the web and I would like to have more than one person's perspective with this (speaking of the educator coming to our class). I know that diabetic education takes into account: weight management, carb and calorie counting, exercise programs, medication administration and glucose monitoring, lifestyle changes, skin/oral care, and changes within the family (such as recipe and meal adaptations), and psychosocial needs. I would really like input from nurses who work with diverse populations to see how you all meet the many needs of our cultural/geographical areas and the rising population of diabetic patients. I appreciate any comments. By the way, this is for Med-Surg clinicals.
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
Problem solving is the major emphasis for me. What are the target goals for BS levels? What do you do if your BS is too high/low? When do you call the doctor? What do you do if you are sick and cannot hold down your PO meds? Why is it necessary to check BS frequently? When do you talk to the MD about changing meds? What do I need to know about traveling out of the country or flying, going to hot places, etc? Inundating patients with too much data is not effective. No one can remember all that stuff. So I concentrate on survival skills first, then ease in the other stuff as I learn about their knowledge gaps. In other words, adapt the teaching to the student.
Thank you very much. These are things that I really hadn't thought of and yet they are so important.