Need help with preceptorship!


  1. Which would be the best position for preceptorship?

    • 3
      MICA (mentally ill and chemically addicted) psych unit
    • 4
      Hem/Onc Adult Med
    • 1
      Hem/Onc Peds
    • 0

8 members have participated

Hello everyone,

I am in need of some advice. This up coming week I have to put in 3 choices for where I want to be placed for my 3 week preceptorship. From what I have been told, they most often put us with our first choice but I am having a difficult time deciding on where I want to spend 120 hours right before graduation. I am also wondering if my preceptor selection has any weight to the jobs that I get offered upon graduation. I am in school in NY and plan to return to NC (my home) after I am done in December.

These are the areas that interest me, I am writing why I would choose this as well. any suggestions, input, past experience would be greatly appreciated.

1) MICA- I enjoyed learning how to communicate with patients. Working on my therapeutic communication, talking people down in volatile situations, doing activities with the patients. This was one clinical where I didn't "bring it home", if you know what I mean.

2) Hem/Onc Adult Med floor- My current med-surg rotation. I really enjoy spending time with the patients and families, learning more about different treatments for various cancers. Wide array of clinical skills being utilized.

3) Hem/Onc pediatric floor- I really enjoyed this clinical and felt I got to do a lot of patient and family teaching. Unfortunately very poor nursing morale on the floor, they all seemed miserable and it really bothered me.

4) Neurosurgery step down, ortho-step down and hospice- I was on this floor, it was mainly a neuro step down and hospice floor but also overflow for ortho step down. Loved working on this floor.

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