
Hi Friends,

I am working on a capstone project which will include the information gathered from a VERY short (2-3 minute) ten question survey. The intent is to reflect on the use of Point-Of-Care tools used by clinical care providers (MD, DO, and NP). If you are an NP or NP Student and would give just a couple minutes of your valuable time to answer these questions, I would GREATLY appreciate the feedback. My goal is to have at least a hundred replies before starting analysis. My email is included in the survey if you

. This survey is for information gathering purposes relating to the use and preferences of Point-of-care resources by clinicians in providing primary care. Please feel free to pass along the link to this survey to your colleagues who also practice primary care as an MD, DO, or NP; to primarily adult patients. Though information will be gathered for possible future use in a broader study, at this time only those who provide primary care to adults will be included in this study. By answering "yes" options to below, you give this study permission to use answers you provided in an ongoing endeavor to help determine what resources are most commonly used and why. The project design may include and analyze all information provided, but anonymity will be provided by assigning random identifiers and no personal information will be included or collected. Thank you for taking the time to add to information related to POC tools and resources used daily by providers in providing quality care to adult patients in primary care settings. If you are interested in results of this study, please feel free to send email to [email protected] for later dissemination of findings.

Participation Consent: Please answer one of the following Yes, I provide primary care to mostly adult patients in a primary care setting, and give permission to use my answers anonymously in a this research project.

Yes, I give permission for my information to be included; but provide care primarily in sub-specialties of pediatrics, surgery, or exclusively treat problems relating to my specialty.

No, I do not give permission to use my answers in this study.

[h=4]* 2. What is your scope of practice or license?[/h] Medical Doctor

Doctor of Osteopathy

Nurse Practitioner

Student (of one of the above listed only)

Other (please specify)

[h=4]* 3. What is your age?[/h] 20-30






Other (please specify)

[h=4]* 4. How long have you been licensed to provide primary care in your current scope of practice?[/h] student who uses POC tools in clinical setting

new graduate to 3 years experience

4-7 years experience

8-11 years experience

11-15 years experience

15-20 years experience

20-30 years experience

more than 30 years experience

[h=4]* 5. How often do you use printed or digital resources (POC tools) to help answer clinical questions and guide your delivery of treatment planning for patients?[/h] Five or more times per day

At least once per day

At least a few times per week

About once per week

A few times per month

Maybe once per month

Rarely, maybe a few times per year

Almost never or never

Other (please specify)

[h=4]* 6. Please rank the importance of these qualities in what makes for a quality POC resource tool for your own primary care practice.[/h][TABLE=class: question-matrix-table table-reset reflow]


[TH] [/TH]

[TH=class: matrix-col-label question-body-font-theme user-generated] Of utmost importance [/TH]

[TH=class: matrix-col-label question-body-font-theme user-generated] Very important [/TH]

[TH=class: matrix-col-label question-body-font-theme user-generated] Moderately important [/TH]

[TH=class: matrix-col-label question-body-font-theme user-generated] Only slightly or Not very important [/TH]

[TH=class: matrix-col-label question-body-font-theme user-generated] Not at all important [/TH]


[TR=class: question-matrix-row-even question-matrix-row-last]

[TH=class: matrix-row-label-cell] Amount of data available in database of each disease and/or drug [/TH]

[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Amount of data available in database of each disease and/or drug Of utmost importance


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Amount of data available in database of each disease and/or drug Very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Amount of data available in database of each disease and/or drug Moderately important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Amount of data available in database of each disease and/or drug Only slightly or Not very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Amount of data available in database of each disease and/or drug Not at all important



[TR=class: question-matrix-row-odd question-matrix-row-last]

[TH=class: matrix-row-label-cell] Immediacy of specific treatment and prescriptive guideline recommendations [/TH]

[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Immediacy of specific treatment and prescriptive guideline recommendations Of utmost importance


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Immediacy of specific treatment and prescriptive guideline recommendations Very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Immediacy of specific treatment and prescriptive guideline recommendations Moderately important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Immediacy of specific treatment and prescriptive guideline recommendations Only slightly or Not very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Immediacy of specific treatment and prescriptive guideline recommendations Not at all important



[TR=class: question-matrix-row-even question-matrix-row-last]

[TH=class: matrix-row-label-cell] Patient education information, diagrams, and handouts/links [/TH]

[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Patient education information, diagrams, and handouts/links Of utmost importance


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Patient education information, diagrams, and handouts/links Very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Patient education information, diagrams, and handouts/links Moderately important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Patient education information, diagrams, and handouts/links Only slightly or Not very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Patient education information, diagrams, and handouts/links Not at all important



[TR=class: question-matrix-row-odd question-matrix-row-last]

[TH=class: matrix-row-label-cell] Peer reviewed citations and verifiable sources [/TH]

[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Peer reviewed citations and verifiable sources Of utmost importance


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Peer reviewed citations and verifiable sources Very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Peer reviewed citations and verifiable sources Moderately important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Peer reviewed citations and verifiable sources Only slightly or Not very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Peer reviewed citations and verifiable sources Not at all important



[TR=class: question-matrix-row-even question-matrix-row-last]

[TH=class: matrix-row-label-cell] Most recent literature included and cited among sources [/TH]

[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Most recent literature included and cited among sources Of utmost importance


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Most recent literature included and cited among sources Very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Most recent literature included and cited among sources Moderately important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Most recent literature included and cited among sources Only slightly or Not very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Most recent literature included and cited among sources Not at all important



[TR=class: question-matrix-row-odd question-matrix-row-last]

[TH=class: matrix-row-label-cell] Ease of user interface (quick access to the answer) [/TH]

[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Ease of user interface (quick access to the answer) Of utmost importance


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Ease of user interface (quick access to the answer) Very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Ease of user interface (quick access to the answer) Moderately important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Ease of user interface (quick access to the answer) Only slightly or Not very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Ease of user interface (quick access to the answer) Not at all important



[TR=class: question-matrix-row-even question-matrix-row-last]

[TH=class: matrix-row-label-cell] Cost of the book, resource, program, or membership [/TH]

[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Cost of the book, resource, program, or membership Of utmost importance


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Cost of the book, resource, program, or membership Very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Cost of the book, resource, program, or membership Moderately important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Cost of the book, resource, program, or membership Only slightly or Not very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Cost of the book, resource, program, or membership Not at all important



[TR=class: question-matrix-row-odd question-matrix-row-last]

[TH=class: matrix-row-label-cell] Personal experience and "tried and true" status of the resource or tool [/TH]

[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Personal experience and "tried and true" status of the resource or tool Of utmost importance


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Personal experience and "tried and true" status of the resource or tool Very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Personal experience and "tried and true" status of the resource or tool Moderately important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Personal experience and "tried and true" status of the resource or tool Only slightly or Not very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Personal experience and "tried and true" status of the resource or tool Not at all important



[TR=class: question-matrix-row-even question-matrix-row-last]

[TH=class: matrix-row-label-cell] Recommended by colleagues and peers as a valuable resource [/TH]

[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Recommended by colleagues and peers as a valuable resource Of utmost importance


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Recommended by colleagues and peers as a valuable resource Very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Recommended by colleagues and peers as a valuable resource Moderately important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Recommended by colleagues and peers as a valuable resource Only slightly or Not very important


[TD=class: touch-sensitive]Recommended by colleagues and peers as a valuable resource Not at all important




[h=4]* 7. What POC tool or tools do you use most frequently? (select all that apply)[/h] Physician's Desk Reference (Print copy)

Other PRINT resource (book, text, or resource in hard-copy print)





First Consult

ACP Pier

Google or other standard internet search engine

Other DIGITAL resources or tools (please specify below)

Please list other print or digital resources you commonly use, if not listed above:

[h=4]* 8. Why do you use this resource more often than others? (select all that apply)[/h] Provided by my associate hospital, clinic, or employer

Most relevant evidence based information

Easiest resource to navigate/fastest access to important information

Recommended or taught in my school program

Recommended by a respected peer or colleague

POC or decision support software included in my Health Information Management (charting program)

Least expensive, free to use, or provided as resource tool by my employer

Other Reason (please specify)

[h=4]* 9. What platform do you use most often when seeking answers to clinical questions?[/h] Print (Textbook, Handouts, PDR, Reference Books, etc)

Call or confer with a trusted colleague

Computer or Laptop

Pad or Tablet

Cell Pone

Other (please specify)

[h=4]* 10. What other resources have you commonly used in the past, and why do you no longer use them?[/h]

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