Published Apr 21, 2010
1 Post
Heres the deal...I need to hand in a Diagnosis, Intervention and Evaluation type note and need some advice on how to phrase it.
I had a patient which is a homeless white male, alcoholic, smoker, quit heroin about a year ago...has family support though....and has full insight into his situation as well as a desire to escape it.
What diagnosis does he get?
I was thinking something along the lines of altered growth and learning since he started drinking at the age of 12.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
5 Posts
I'm just going to ramble off what comes to mind. With alcohol abuse, I think Nutrition, vitamin issues. You siad he was your patient, but you didnt mention a disease or medical scenerio, what was his admitting diagnosis? Are you in psych class? If you were at a psych facility what was his admitting diagnosis? in either case, what signs and symptoms did you observe? I think returning psych patients usually have a medication schedule they should be following. Does he have a medication compiance issue? financial ability to get medications? I too am a student, so dont quote my ramblin thoughts.
23 Posts
Homeless & alcoholic...I agree, first thing that comes to mind is altered nutrition:less than body requirements.
Ineffective health maintenance r/t.....
Readiness for enhanced decision making r/t.....
Dysfunctional family process:alcoholism.....
Health seeking behaviors.....
Impaired ability to perform or complete bathing/hygiene activities for oneself r/t environmental barriers.....
there's many possibilities depending on your person. Then of course if you go into specific health problems that opens up even more. So there's few ideas that I think of. Just like your first reply...I'm still a student myself, but there's my 2 cents for what it's worth.