Published Oct 29, 2008
2 Posts
Hi! I am in my first semester of my master's program for Family Nurse Practitioner. I am having trouble coming up with any ideas for my last paper. I was wondering if anyone could help?
I need to find a problem or a concern that could use change relating to the role of an APN. I need to implement a process of change.
This is my actual description of my assignment:
The purpose is to become familiar with a major issue that you would like to see changed within your chosen advanced practice role, to be able to thoroughly discuss the issue and the implications for advanced nursing practice.
So If anyone could be of help, that would be great!!
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
what are NP in your state NOT allowed to do that may be legal elsewhere? Can you set up a clinic without an MD on the premises? Are the MD's in your area receptive to your input? Does your state require continuing education and is it enough, in your opinion? Does the local hospital have NP's in the ED? Elsewhere? Think about what you would like to see that could expand the NP scope of practice or interaction with the public and with MD's.