need more cvicu skills - Toronto area


Hi nurses, Merry Christmas!  I had a quick question...I have been an ICU nurse for several years 15+, and have ICU and CCU certificates under my belt.  However during my CCU certificate I had a good placement, but I didn't really get much experience with balloon pumps or swan ganz or even temp pacers and definitely no experience with ecmo.  And because we don't have a lot of pure cardiac cases in my unit, I'm still lagging in these skills.  Does anyone have any recommnedations how I could get those skills.  Is there a way to request a paid/unpaid locum at a hospital that could give me that opporutunity to learn?  Due to other committments, I can't really commit to going on staff permanently at this time.  I want to work more CVICU units with my agency but don't feel well prepared or safe to do so. Any advice would be much appreciated. 

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