Need Advice Asap, Do Not Know What to do


Specializes in Critical Care.

So long story short I was at the hospital that I recently transferred from (in Jan.) because I had to take my PALS cert. Mega code @ 0800. I had had a 7p-7a night shift the night before so I had to leave straight from work to come to PALS. Anyways once PALS was over I figured I would swing by the OR where I used to work and say hey to everyone and then go home next thing I know I have security having me follow them and then I'm questioned saying that someone said I appeared to be "altered" or "impaird/on-something" to which I explained I was not I was just extremely exhausted having had to come straight from a 12-hour shift to here and haven't had the chance to eat since probably around midnight. I also told them that I would willingly take any sort of drug test if they did not believe me because I had nothing to hide and my former supervisor as well as my current one (& several if not most of my current charges) are aware that I can get hypoglycemic if I work alot and do not eat and take the ADHD meds I'm PRESCRIBED (adderall). So the security personnel were great and treated the situation as a innocent until proven guilty one and still do but the nurses I had dealt with during the drug testing were not so unbiased. Anyways I told them before hand what I take and they asked why I take it and I said that its personal and not necessary and after 4-5 hours of having a shy bladder they had me straight cath my self (which was an awesome experience let me tell you) so I came up positive for what I had told them I would and then that's that.

Well this was last week around Thursday evening. I still have not gotten a call from the MRO and I now have that same nurse calling me telling me I have to come back in and bring my presciption bottles. Which I said well I feel uncomfortable doing that and also I don't have most of my bottles because all of things I take are very PRN and literally change each month (and some don't even give me bottles! some I just get in a plastic ziploc bag [the pharmacy is in an old mom and pop grocery store maybe that's why]) and I use a pill 7-day counter, to which she accused me of abusing my meds and not being safe etc. So I have talked to both my doctor and my psychiatrist and had notes written from both saying I do everything like Im supposed too and im safe. But im holding those and waiting because I really do not want to provide any more personal medical information if I don't have too plus it is the MRO's responsibility to figure all that out am I correct?

Everytime I have taken a drug test in the past for a hospital job (all of which have been pre-employment never reasonable cause) they just took my pee and said MRO will call within a week and that was it. Lastly, I do not want to give any thing to my work because I do not want them to be aware of my diagnosis since all of which are mental health ones (all are under control and treated for over a decade) and I HAD a little issue with substance abuse a long time ago (I say little because it didn't last long before I voluntarily told my family and got the help I needed) before I was a nurse and the less anyone knows about that the better. Have not had a single issue with it since. I take Prozac, adderall XR & IR, and a very small amount of buprenorphine (for the above mentioned, should be 100% off of it within the year) and yes I know adderall is habit forming and all that, I have had extensive monitoring, metabolite level checks, etc. etc. to the point where my doctor's trust me 100% and the know I won't misuse it and know I actually need it; I only returned to it because starting in the ER I had to be VERY organized and have my priorities straight and I was so scattered with my adhd and my preceptor even told me to think about returning to it.


Anyways sorry for the wall of text I wanted to make sure to explain all w/o explaining too much. I've worked where I do now (I transferred hospitals but its under the same system) since 2017 and then before then from 2015-2016 in externship w/ no disciplinary record what-so-ever. I also am very aware of how these sort of things go when it comes to the boards attention and that's my biggest fear. I just don't know what to do, am I within my right to just wait until the MRO calls me? I've been on admin leave since the test (paid thank god) but I somehow get the feeling they haven't sent off the urine, like they won't until I comply with what this ONE nurse wants from me? So any advice or help asap would be super appreciated, I'm sorry if this post is scattered I'm scared to take any of my meds now, If more explaining needs to be done just let me know.

BIG THANKS AHEAD OF TIME to all who read and take the time to give any words of wisdome.

Thanks again.

I realize it’s been over two months since you posted this, but how did your situation end up resolving itself? Btw, I’m wondering if your post went unanswered (until now, that is?) because of the forum you posted it in? Tbh, I had no idea that an Alabama forum existed until about five minutes ago! 

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