Published Aug 27, 2013
116 Posts
I just got licensed yesterday. I have been offered two jobs. Both in LTC. One is 10 minutes from home and one is 45. There is a 2.50 cent pay difference. One is a huge facility that only hires part time and you hope a full time opens but with a bigger place means more experience in different areas. This job is 3rd shift.
The closer one is 3-11 but full time, lower pay and a very small facility. They have designated nurses for wounds, IV, etc so I won't get that experience.
I have a husband and 2 year old. Everyone is saying that the nights would be Better for my situation. But I'm very worried about passing up full time with benefits for part time. But the full time is small and 2nd shift.
Please share your thoughts and experiences. I am really conflicted.
66 Posts
Don't have any advice on which offer but congrats on the 2 offers so soon after getting your license!!!
Thank you :)
70 Posts
I think that 2nd shift is a great shift for a new lpn to start on. Its not quite as busy as 1st shift and there are still other staff members around to help and offer advice. When trying to decide between 2 LTC jobs there are lots of things to consider other than pay scale. Are they for-profit, non-profit or government run? Do you know employees of either facility and what do they say about the work environment? How many residents will you be expected to care for?
121 Posts
Congrats on the new job? But what is the difference b/t 2nd and 3rd shift?
The difference is that second is 3-11 so that takes up a lot if your day and leaves me with no "family" time because my husband works days. Nights are 11-7 so I can sleep while my baby is in daycare and be with them in the evening when my husband and daughter are home.
They are both "for profit" although I don't really understand that difference between for and non profit. If someone could clear that up for me. One offers benefits because its full time and the other does to full time but they have been recently sold and aren't real sure of the ins and outs of the insurance yet. Also, the part time job has no benefits at all. Unless you go full time and then you have to wait another 90 days, other than the initial probationary period, to be able to have benefits.
I know one person at the part time, larger, night shift facility. She loves it. But she also has no kids and doesn't have a need for benefits quite like I do. She also can work all the overtime she wants to make up for the hours of part time status and I cannot do that. The smaller facility, I don't know anyone there or anything about it. I know it's 50 beds with 2 LPNs and 4 aides on each shift so about 25 residents to nurse. The larger one, I'm not sure if the ratio but i assume its a higher nurse to pt ratio.
Oh ic! Its hard for me to help you with this decision cus I don't have a family but I would assume that I would want to spend some time with my husband and kid (that looks like it weighs heavily) so I would just automatically rule out that job offer. But you gotta do a pros and cons with both of them. See which presents you the best opporunity pay wise, benefits, travel time, family time, promotions, etc. Good luck!
Non-profit LTC facilities tend to be better places to work mostly because they also tend to be better staffed. It sounds like you're really leaning towards the night shift position but you're only hesitating because you also need benefits? Most LTC facilities have pretty regular turn over which means that a position will open up eventually and you'll be more likely to get it if you're already working there. However, I wouldn't be against a small facility just because its small. Small facilities can be really great places to work especially when they have good nurse to resident ratios. Not all LTC facilities are created equal. Some are much better than others. Also, I would be surprised if you got much experience with wounds or IVs while working night shift. Wound treatments tend to be scheduled during the day at most places (that I know of) and new orders for IVs or anything else tend to come in during the day also.
25 Posts
Other things you might the smaller facility on 3-11 you will have more people there to help you and answer questions you may have. The larger one may have more things for you to learn but being part time you won't get that much experience at doing them especially if they bounce you around and on the late shift there might just be a skeleton crew and not as many around to help you out. Plus, except for medications and an occasional fall how many new things will you get to experience on late shift? I know as a new nurse we all think "I got this" (I'm a new nurse also..2 weeks and counting lol) but as you probably found out on preceptor there are things that we really don't have as much knowledge about, so weighing in the amount of staff that will be on each shift might be a good idea. Do what you think is best for you, your experience and your family. Good luck and congratulations.
OrganizedChaos, LVN
1 Article; 6,883 Posts
I've worked at my fair share of LTC facilities, especially as a new nurse. There is nothing scarier than having 30-40 residents under your care, you have to pass meds & a resident falls. Ugh just the thought of all that mess makes me stress! I would suggest as a new nurse going towards a smaller facility then working up. Good luck with whatever you choose & congratulations! :)