NCLEX and HESI study guide??


Specializes in pedi.

I am starting the nursing program at Rivier College in the Fall (2011) and I will have my BSN in 2013. I want to start preparing for the NCLEX and HESI now!!!!! I was wondering what the best study guide is out there? Thanks :)

the best way is to go look at them at the book store. one that someone likes may not be beneficial for you. any of the prentice hall nursing books for me have been wonderful. I like how they are simplified and they have pretests and posttests. they also have a nclex-rn and individual topic books. for example i am currently using the child health nursing for peds. the books does not have all topics we have gone over so far but has the major ones. I also like the way sauders nclex-rn is layed out. these books are typically laid out by body system.

Get Pearson's Exam Cram with the CD. The CD has sample tests with the CAT software which simulates the actual NCLEX. It also gives you a diagnostic and tells u which areas are weak and which are stronger. I also had a comprehensive review book, but that Exam Cram disc was great!

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