Published Nov 6, 2014
1 Post
Hi all,
I was looking for some insight regarding the application naval hospital camp lejeune in jacksonville, NC. a couple things:
1. do they hire new graduate nurses (I will be graduating in May and am considering applying to Naval Hospital)
2. do they have a preceptorship for new graduate nurses with no nursing experience (internship/preceptorship/something along those lines)
3. do i have to join the nurse corps to get a job there?
4. where do I begin?
Thank you!
Uncle Rico
130 Posts
Getting hired at a military treatment facility (MTF) can be easy yet difficult. I would say about say about 95% of the civilian jobs are contracted through agencies so you can stop by HR and they will probably tell you to visit or provided you with a list of companies the hospital has contracts with. As for programs like residencies at an MTF i would say they don't exist for civilians but do exist for military personnel, but as a civilian you would receive a brief orientation. No, you do not have to join the military or nurse corps to get a job at an MTF.