NAU Fall 2017


Hi guys!

Since the NAU's BSN deadline is coming up march 15th, I thought I'd start this thread to connect with other applicants. Would any of you mind sharing your Kaplan score, prerequisite gpa, whether you've applied before, and what campus you are applying for?

This is my first time applying and I applied for the Tucson campus. I have an 85 overall Kaplan score and 3.65 gpa. Looking forward to speaking with and hopefully making friends with any one else interested in NAU's nursing program!

Hey! I am applying to the Tucson campus for startup in Spring of 2018? If you don't mind me asking, how was the Kaplan? Did you end up getting into the program?

I did get in! :) the kaplan was just plain odd. Math and reading was easy. The writing portion seemed very subjective, it was a lot of which sentence should you delete, where should you add one. BUT, the passages were so poorly written in the first place that it was hard to spot out a very specific problem in a short amount of time. Science was basically all random A&P questions, mostly A&P 2. That section has the least amount of questions and seems a lot people do poorly, however NAU focuses majorly on your science score. When filtering applicants they rank everyone by your kaplan score, science first, and if you don't rank well they don't even look at your gpa. If you research there are a few really good forums giving better details on the kaplan questions.

That's awesome! If you don't mind me asking again, what scores did you get on the Kaplan? I'm trying to get an idea of what's considered a good score. I have a 4.0 on my prerequisites but I'm really nervous about the Kaplan because I've heard mixed reviews. Any tips on studying? What kind of A&P questions did you get?

I got an 85 overall. 100 on math. 80 on science. 67 on writing. 88 or 90 something on reading. She said everyone does the worst on writing and they don't take that into account. I used the kaplan ACT prep book for writing and although it did help with punctuation and pronouns, it didn't help with sentence placement. I used Barron's A&P study guide for science. The fact that I took AP2 the semester before the kaplan helped..

definitely focus on your circulatory and respiratory systems. A few urinary system questions also. The rest are very random.

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