Published Aug 19, 2008
16 Posts
Alright, I have to vent about this. I've been dealing with this all summer and everytime I get one problem solved, another one pops up.
So I'm attending NSCC to complete my pre-reqs this fall and spring 09. As a college graduate, I (foolishly) figured dealing with NSCC would be easy- after all, I'd already graduated college, studied abroad, and not had that many red tape problems. How hard could it be to go to a CC?
Yeah.... I was wrong.
First, they lost all my supplemental paperwork for admission. They managed to cash the admissions fee check I sent them (of course), but somehow lost everything else which came in the same envelope. Genius. Then, after I realized it was taking a long time to hear from them, I started calling them. I called and called and called, emailed, left messages....and only ONCE did they bother to get back to me, only to tell me 'oh we lost your forms, resend them.' I resend them. Nothing happens. I call admissions again, and am told I'm enrolled. Yet, for some reason, I can't sign on to NSCC's online system o register for classes. I get a letter telling me to use my birthdate for my password- that doesn't work either. Finally, I go to their campus to talk to someone, am told yet again I'm enrolled (though the admissions lady tries to give me the wrong A number, which I have to point out to her 3 times before she realizes her mistake), and go home to try to register yet again.
....which I can sill can't do. Finally, after calling and calling, I'm transferred to IT Services, who tell them he password information in my admissions letter- which the admissions office employess also told me- is incorrect. I'm really supposed to type in a different birthdate format.
Second mistake- giving students the wrong info in official leters. Smooth move there guys.
So, finally, after two months of trying to get everything figured out, I register for my classes and begin applying for private loans to cover the gap between government aid and my cost of attendance. I explain my situation- I'm a second degree student so I know I'll need private loans such as Sallie Mae to cover my expenses, yadda yadda yadda. They say, sure, go ahead and apply for those loans, they'll help cover your expenses, while we submit your federal loan application.
Only, come to find out, after a few days of panicked rejection and the inability to even finish the first step of the application process for private loans-- NSCC doesn't participate in any private loan programs. The fin aid counselors gave me incorrect info, apparently. I manage to get ahold of the loan counselor at NSCC who tells me, "well your cost of attendance is x amount but tha doesn't mean you'll get that x amount." yes, I have a BA, I freaking know what cost of attendance means, i tell her. All i want is some way to get more fin aid because the amount they've given me is pitiful and won't pay for all my expense by a long shot. NSCC, she tells me, doesn't believe in loan programs, because it just gets students in debt hey don't need. I tell her I'm an adult and quite frankly if I feel I need that extra loan amount to pay for school and better myself in the long run, it should be my decision to make and not my school's. She decides this means I don't understand cost of attendance and goes on about it again.
Finally she tells me apply for a parent plus loan. I can't, I explain to her, because of finanical issues with my mom- I know for a fact she'll be denied the loan. Do it anyway, she tells me, so i do. It's denied, like I knew it would be. The counselor tells me to come in and sign a form and she'll aprrove me for more aid. I do- I wait in line for 2.5 hours because for some godforsaken reason NSCC doesn't do appointments- because, oh no, that would make sense!- and fill out a form which literally takes me 30 seconds to complete, and am told don't call, this is going to take a few days, we'll call you if something goes wrong.
Two weeks later, i still haven't heard anything about my fin aid package being changed. Classes start Monday. I can't get ahold of a single person in the Business or Fin Aid offices to tell me how my fin aid will be disbursed, and whether or not I need to set up a direct deposit account for it. I will have enough money to pay for my tuition and a few of my books, which means I won't be able to pay for all my books, my transportation there, my rent, or my living expenses.
I don't know if this is how NSCC always is, but honestly? This is awful service, if you ask me, and if there was some way I could go somewhere else for my pre-reqs i'd do so in a heartbeat. Thankfully I'll only be a this school for two semesters. I am never ever ever bothering with this school again after this, i know that much.
Thanks for listening to me rant. This situation has been stressing me out since June and I just really need to vent somewhere
Clear Morning
27 Posts
I am so sorry to hear of all the trouble you've had! I did all my pre-reqs at Vol State and am currently a second year nursing student through their TSU program. I haven't had any trouble here at all. Maybe you could come to VSCC for your second semester. I have to say VSCC is a wonderful school!
131 Posts
I am currently attending Vol State too. Did you take Human Growth Nutrition? So far I have a 4.0 at Vol State. I had a 3.154 at Nashville State 14 years ago. Also, any insight into the nursing program would be helpful.
10 Posts
Unfortunatley many of the Tennessee Board of Regent Community Colleges have similar chaos when it comes to the administrative side of things. Lots of red tape and only minimal support to students. I assume most of the students that attend NSCC are just out of highschool (still living at home) or adult students going back for a few classes here & there...but still working. They are probably not used to helping someone that is going to be a full time student!! I really wish you the best. Have you considered looking into some of the tuition reimbursment programs? If you are going into nursing, several employer and even the federal govt. provide loan forgivness eventually if you agree to work in certain needed medical communities. Oh...also for your text books, someone mentioned the other day there are places on line you can RENT your text books!! And then if you dont' write in them, you can return them for a large refund. Not sure the name or websites...but you should look into this. Good luck.