My A/P professor rocks!


Had lecture today, we were discussing the lecture exam scheduled for this Wednesday. She made a comment that she doesnt like wednesday lecture exams, perfers them on Mondays- so one of us said "well make it monday"....whooooot! She agreed! We will start tissue's this Wednesday, but will have an extra 5 days to study chapters 1-3 for our exam Monday!

She certainly didnt have to..........but she did!


Not to burst your bubble.....but, the problem comes in when instructors have a certain amount of information they're required to cover and only a certain amount of time to cover it. She may seem generous to give you extra time, but I'd bet you a donut that you will be short-changed somewhere else.

I'll bet you a dozen we won't.

What we were suppose to do on Monday- we will do this Wednesday instead. And, FYIW, the 3 professors at my school that teach a/p are not following the same information from the start, so swapping a day won't effect us at all. Ours wants us to really understand chemistry, another one skips that chapter in full, and doesnt even touch on it.


At least she is keeping up with the material she has to cover in the class. Our professor took a night off, and even though I am happy that we don't have a lecture exam on 1-4 this coming Thursday, I am worried that we are going to pay for it by having to cram later on in the semester.

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