MSN in 1-1 1/2 years!!!



I Was wondering if anybody know of any program that has BSN- MSN FNP degree that can be earn within a year or a year and a half.

Please let me know!


Depends on where you live. I think with the online programs you can knock it out in that time. Also, that time line means going full time to clear the 700+ clinical hours.

It also depends if you already have a bachelor's degree in another field. If you do, then there are many programs out there to get an accelerated combined BSN/MSN. You apply to both the BSN and MSN portions at the same time. The BSN portion can be done in little as one year and you graduate with your RN. Then you move on to the MSN/FNP portion. The duration of the MSN portion depends on the program, but will probably be at least another year. Typically, you are working part time during the MSN portion to gain clinical experience since you are a new RN.

Look at to find this type of program in your area.

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