MSN Research for Labor and Delivery, Postpartum, Antepartum Nurses


Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Hello, I am a current graduate student at Western Governors University, completing my Master's Capstone or Thesis. I am completing research to find if nurses are providing routine inpatient family planning counseling/education in the inpatient setting; and if not, what barriers do you think prevent this from happening.

If you are a LD, post partum or antepartum, please take the time to complete my survey. I ask that full-time management, educators, and lactation consultants please self-exclude from this study.

Results from this survey will posted in

Below you will find the Implied Consent for this study and the link to complete the survey.


Western Governors University

Masters of Science, Nursing-Education

Inpatient Family Planning Counseling: Are We Doing Our Part?

Chrystal Gayle Hamilton, BSN, RNC-OB

Introduction: You are invited to participate in a research project being conducted by a researcher from Western Governors University. Graduate student, Chrystal Gayle Hamilton, is conducting research to determine if labor and delivery and postpartum nurses include family planning counseling is included during inpatient education; and if not, what barriers they feel prevent this from occurring.

Description of the project: Registered nurses and licensed vocational nurses currently employed as labor and delivery and post partum units will be asked to complete a nine-question survey. It will take about 5 minutes to complete the survey.

Benefits and Risks of this study: The benefit of this study will help to determine what, if any, focus should be placed on nurses providing inpatient family planning counseling during standard patient education. There is no direct benefit to the participant. There are no risks expected for this study.

Confidentiality: Your participation in this research is confidential. The survey does not ask for any information that would identify to whom the responses belong. In the event of any publication or presentation resulting form the research, no personally identifiable information will be shared because your name or any other identifying information are in no way linked to your responses.

Voluntary participation and withdrawal: Participation in this survey is voluntary. You may stop participation at any time. You are not required to answer any questions that you do not feel comfortable.

Questions, Rights and Complaints: Participants have a right to study results. Participants may contact the researcher, Chrystal Gayle Hamilton, BSN, RNC-OB by email at [email protected] for any questions, concerns, or to request result information.

Consent statement: Completion and return of the survey implies that you have read the information in this form and consent to take part in this research. Please keep this form for your records or future reference.

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