MSN Grad student needs help


I am doing a capstone project on preceptor shortages and evaluation of current recognition programs and support for MSN preceptors. I have a short 8 question survey (easy) link if you could help me out with this. It Is for a personal paper only, anonymous, and no results will be published.

Link to survey:

Thank you so much!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I did your survey ... but I thought I should point one thing out. A few of the questions seem to assume that the preceptor is a member of a nursing faculty. I am not. I work in a clinical setting. If that matters to you, you should make that requirement clear ... both in the above invitation post and in directions within the survey itself.

Good luck with your project. Having preceptored graduate students since 1982 (OMG, that's 30 years!) ... I know from 1st hand experience that the system is broken. Significant changes need to be made. I am quite tired of schools expecting me to provide months of 1:1 education for their students without giving me any acknowledgment or compensation for my services.

They take the tuition ... I do the work.

I am doing a capstone project on preceptor shortages and evaluation of current recognition programs and support for MSN preceptors. I have a short 8 question survey (easy) link if you could help me out with this. It Is for a personal paper only, anonymous, and no results will be published.

Link to survey:

Thank you so much!

I also did your survey. I think you would get better responses if your questions were worded a bit differently. Like llg, I do not work in an academic setting. Good luck with your project.

can anyone pls suggest me what to do MSN in i'm little confused....

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