Published May 3, 2017
2 Posts
I've been in SCRPP in SC for a year-one down, 4 to go. I completed treatment and have been completely compliant with my program. My husband's company is moving him to AZ and I am freaking out about getting my license endorsed there. I know I have to get enrolled in CANDO (already talked to my SCRPP CM about it). Anyone have any experience with this??
3 Posts
Im on a monitoring program with Oregon from a possession charge and charges were dismissed. i did everything and never have been in trouble or have had a dirty ua and i still have to complete monitoring. After i was released off state probation i moved to Washington State with my boyfriend. I seriously am not joking and the second day after completing all my legal stuff to get everything dismissed i got hit by a drunk driver in Washington. I then was faced with issues of recovering from injuries so didn't apply for Washington nursing license right awY till after healed and released to work again. I then submitted all my info and crazy thing is Washington gave me an active license with no restrictions to abide to! But i still have to complete monitoring practice for Oregon! Its messed up because now i cant get anyone to hire me because of monitoring practices Oregon wants but Washington doesn't! So i am loosing hope on just finding work! Sorry but it can work just make sure the states talk to one another to transfer monitoring instead of doing something different!