Published Jan 13, 2005
11 Posts
I am new to this and am not sure I am posting this in the right area but hope I will get some advice. My step mother has been diagnosed with breast CA and underwent a lumpectomy a week ago today. I did her post surgical care as I used to do some home health nursing when I worked in the states. (I am now working back in Canada as a dialysis nurse.) Anyhow, the surgeon said to remove the drain (hemovac) once the drainage was 15cc or less. The case manager at the hospital suggested it would be about 3-4 days and usually okay to remove 30cc or less. On the third day she had 7.5cc in drain however she had some drainage around the exit site. (serous-sang) (4x4 covering was damp over 24 hour period but not soaked) I removed the drain. The next day there was no drainage from the site and has been looking good. No redness, warmth or any signs of infection. She called me today and said that she notices her breast is looking bigger and she can hear a swooshing like there is fluid there. This alarmed me but her surgeon said some fluid build up is normal and the body will absorb it but to keep a close eye on it. How normal is this and when should we be alarmed to call him back again??