MMR Vaccine, Pregnant Teacher


We have a teacher who is due in a few weeks. I was putting in the vaccination records and of course she has many in her class who just received the MMR vaccine. (She teaches a young grade) Anyway my concern is whether or not she can be around the children. When I worked in Oncology we had to advise parents not to vaccinate their kids with a live virus while the parent was receiving chemo, and I had a few friends that were pregnant and their dr said they should wait until after the baby was born to vaccinate their older children. I JUST thought of this, of course school starts Monday lol. Am I overthinking? :confused:

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

first off, what is the teacher's vaccination history? many obs will do titers on their patients if vaccination status or immunity is uncertain. if she's been adequately vaccinated and/or has titers that show immunity, there should be no cause for concern.

according to the cdc website, "measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine viruses are not transmitted from the vaccinated person, so mmr does not pose a risk to a pregnant household member."

it doesn't seem likely that this will pose a threat to your teacher's (or baby's) safety.

thanks for thinking of her!

see vaccines: vdp-vac/combined/mmr/clinical faqs

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