MiraCosta College ADN Spring 2024

Nursing Students School Programs



I haven't seen a thread for MiraCosta Spring 2024.

Anyone else also accepted? If so, I look forward to hopefully meeting at least some of y'all at the orientation!

Here are some fun facts from orientation for those interested in applying for Fall 2024 and beyond:

- Cohort size: 20 

- Mentorship program offered through CNSA (you are paired with a student one semester ahead of you)

- New nursing/allied health building opening Fall 2024

- MiraCosta was one of the only nursing programs in SD county that did NOT shut down its clinical rotations during the pandemic, allowing its students to graduate on time

- Possible clinical sites include Tri-County, Palomar, Rady's, UCSD (not sure which campus yet)

- Clinical group size: 5 or less

- Even if you do not qualify for CalGrant A/B, Pell Grant, etc., please apply for financial aid as you will most likely be eligible for Cal Grant C (tuition waiver). That will bring the total program cost down to ~$3000-$4000. 

I also spoke with an academic counselor.

Have a previous bachelor's? You will only need to take the nursing courses. All GE requirements will be waived.


Hey there! Did they mention how the lottery works?

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