Published Aug 2, 2012
19 Posts
I know the NCLEX-PN is minimum competency, but I'm noticing a difference between the types of questions in Sanders vs Made Incredibly Easy? I'm getting like a 70% on Sanders but an 85% with Incredibly Easy. I take the NCLEX-PN August 18th and I'm really starting to freak out and get nervous. I just don't know if I"m ready but I've reviewed each section so I'm just doing tons of questions now. Any tips or hints or thoughts on the difference between questions content/difficulty between the 2 books? Thank you so much!
101 Posts
I haven't even started my LVN program, so I don't have any advice about books or anything.. but I CAN tell you that letting yourself get stressed out and nervous is about the WORST thing you can do when prepping for an exam. Prepare yourself as well as you possibly can, get lots of rest and just BREATHE. After all, is freaking out going to help you? Nope.. it will only hurt you and make you lose focus and concentration.
Good luck! Believe in yourself!