Mid-Manhattan / Brooklyn Adult Learning Center LPN Interview


Hello everyone!!

I am a hopeful candidate for the LPN program at Mid-Manhattan Adult Learning Center. I have passed both C-NET and TEAS tests and have an interview soon.

For those who have gone through the process, what was it like? Was the essay question difficult? What was the result (accepted / denied)? How long did you have to wait to get a response regarding acceptance?

For those in the same position as me, how are you coping with the nervousness? What has your process been like so far?

I am sooooooooo nervous and really hope I get in!!!

Thanks in advance!!!

This is devastating and shocked to learn this program have been closed. read below. Is this true? please input any advice.

The NYC Department of Education's Office of Adult and Continuing Education (OACE) will not be conducting Practical Nursing courses at either the Mid-Manhattan Adult Learning Center or the Brooklyn Adult Learning Center due to an absence of funding for the 2015-2016 school year. At this time, C-NET will not be administering the Pre-Nursing Assessment Test (PNAT) for the 2016-2017 school year.


For more information, please contact the OACE at 212-666-1920.

New York City LPN Program (DOE) | C-NET | Center For Nursing Education & Testing

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