merced college rn program review


Hello, I've been looking all over the forums and was wondering if by any chance someone attended Merced college's RN program?

If you could tell me about the environment of the classroom, as well as the teachers and school itself?

I am torn between two nursing schools, and the orientations are on the same day! The other school I got into was Merritt College in Oakland.

I was looking at nclex results and the two school seem to be quite similar, except that Merritt seemed to be a bit more consistent. I did some research on Merritt, and there was a forum bashing on its program, saying the teaching atmosphere was quite unpleasant.

Any feedback would be appreciated!

Thank you.

I'm doing my pre-reqs at Merced College but am not attending or applying to their nursing program. I am a longtime resident of Merced and have heard so many brutal things about the program. I hesitate to share but I will. Please know....YOU MUST DECIDE ON YOUR OWN...these are opinions, some first hand accounts, and some second hand accounts. Take opinions, even mine, with a grain of salt and make up your own mind.

That being said, my cousin is a nurse practitioner in San Francisco and her husband in a doctor. The have stated that when they (they being HR) see 'Merced College' on an application they take a pass. Very few get an interview. My cousin (who is from here and graduated from UCSF for BSN and FNP) said the nurses trained at merced are, I'll just say, lacking. I don't want to get into more detail than that.

Some nurses that I know that have graduated from Merced have said you besically have to work in Merced, its just not a well known 'nursing school'.

As far as the teachers in the actual nursing program, I don't know any of them. Talk to students. What the ones I've spoken to have said to me is that the nursing instructors need to retire. They have it in their mind that its 'their way' and are not interested in new things, current things, they are very old school. What was said to me was that those you can't do decide to teach and they teach at merced. I took offense because my sister is a teacher. One told me, who graduated some years ago, said that they were required to purchase the old school white hat and white dress for graduation.

I am sure there are good things out there about the program, I just haven't ran into any of those people. Again, the choice is yours, take opinions with a grain of salt.

Thank you for your reply!

I think that the situation you mentioned about not finding a job applies to those who look for a job straight out of community college, right? I am planning on going to a four year right after and I don't think the four years will discriminate against merced college as long as you pass the board and get licensed right?

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