MCC - Penn Valley RN program


Hi there!

Is anyone else anxiously awaiting their acceptance letter? I talked to someone in the nursing department a few weeks ago and he said we should know by late February. From posts I've been reading (from previous classes) they didn't find out until April!!!


I am also waiting. I go through all of my emails because I'm afraid I've missed it. Glad to finally know others are in the same boat.

I found the acceptance letter!!! Log into this part of mcckc and it should show your offer letter!

Web Login Service - Stale Request

Your link doesn't work. And others I've talked to said it should be in my email but it isn't. I'm going to have to call

Google mcckc nursing

Click on the "apply" tab (make sure it's to the actual nursing program not the school)

Click the "cohort" link

Log in

Click application

And it should be there!!!

Woo hoo! It's there and I got in!!! Thank you so much!!

Have you received an email or any correspondence yet? Other than the offer letter?

Nope but I'll go on the 27th and I'll make sure they update my email

Just got an email with a checklist, how this is talking I feel like I'm already behind??

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