Published Mar 27, 2008
7 Posts
I have only been a nurse for about 7 months and so far have had 2 jobs.
The first one only lasted 2 weeks!! They fired me for what I think is an unfair reason, but I am really glad they did because I found a job at a nursing home that I absolutely loved!
I just cant seem to remember things sometimes. One day it will be I forgot to chart an order that I wrote, or I will forget to write things on the MAR. One day recently I took an extremely long phone order on this lady whose BP was low only at night. I had been talking with the doctor for about a week trying to get him to take her off of some of the BP meds she was on and I finally got him to agree. I remembered to do almost everything (call family, chart, write in MAR) but I forgot to write ONE SINGLE MED in the MAR. I have no idea how I wrote everything in the order down on the MAR except one med. The only thing I can think of is someone came and interrupted me in the middle of me writing this stuff down (which happens ALOT) and it just totally slipped my mind to go back and do it. Well it was the last straw for my DON. I really don't blame her or anyone else but me, but how in the world can I improve this about myself? I really really loved this job, I felt like I was making a difference in these peoples lives and now all of that is taken away from me.
I don't think I can handle having this happen again. I love those people, and I'm one of the rare nurses that really enjoy long term care, but sometimes it gets overwhelming to take care of 50-60 residents by myself. Does anyone maybe have some tips on keeping on your toes? Or maybe a better method of doing things? I'm at a total loss and I just want to be stable in a job where I can really make a difference in peoples lives.
562 Posts
This hospital is a psych short stay behavior modification hospital. I don't remember there being many openings. I did a couple clinical rotations there many moons ago. Great staff if you can make it in there tho'!
Good luck all,