Master Thesis

Specialties Geriatric


I obtained permission to post this survey on the BB from Brian


My name is Patricia Krupski, a graduate student in the Master of Science Nursing Program at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The purpose of my research project is to determine if there is a relationship between preconceived notions of practicing medical/surgical nurses toward the geriatric client and the nurse's demographic data.

According to the Administration on Aging (2001), the geriatric population is increasing in age and in number. As the geriatric population increases, their health care needs also increase. To decrease the complication of chronic illnesses, the geriatric client will need to learn how to deal with these illnesses. However, preconceived notions toward the geriatric client may affect the way that nurses teach and provide care for their geriatric clients.

To identify the preconceived notions of medical/surgical nurses, a survey has been e-mailed to you. The survey consists of 10 demographical questions and 25 questions from Erdman B. Palmore's Facts on Aging Quiz I. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. By returning this survey, you have given your consent to participate in this research.

Information obtained will be recorded without the e-mail address of those who respond to the survey and the results will not be released in any way that could identify the participant in this project. Data from the surveys will be stored on a computer CD disk and paper copies for three years and kept in a locked file cabinet in the researcher's home.

While there are no immediate benefits that can be expected by participating in this study, the information derived may be useful scientifically and helpful to others. An awareness of preconceived notions held by nurses may benefit and improve educational presentation in educational curriculum and educational offerings to all nurses who are now caring for the geriatric client.

You will receive this message at the end of the survey when you submit it:

This form is being submitted by email. Submitting this form will reveal your email address to the recipient and will send the forms data without encrypting it for privacy.

The above statement can be ignored. As stated before, the email will be sent to the intermediary site where the email address will be removed. To participate in this study just click on this web site and continue: College of Nursing Research Advisory Committee of Cardinal Stritch University has approved this study. I would like to thank you in advance for your participation.

When I placed the address I incorrectly put a period at the end of the address, the correct address to respond is

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