Published Dec 24, 2009
26 Posts
Hi i am applying to Massasoit for the fall 2010 admission , my GPA is 3.48 .
my courses(general prereqs) From another community college go as follow
A&P I A-
Microbiology B
Fundamental Process of Human Disease A
Computers For Beginners A
Basic Algebra II B
College Algebra and Trigonometry B-
Intro to psychology B-
English Composition I B
English Composition II A
Phlebotomy B+
Human Growth & Development A
Statistics A
Computer Applications A-
I have not yet taken the Teas i will on Jan 4th but i am confident i will get a score sufficient for admissions
Any Current student could give any idea of my chances since i know Massasoit is very completive at the moment ?
Thanks you
6 Posts
Hi! I'm in the same situation. I'll be applying to massasoit nursing program in feb. 2010 with all my pre-reqs done at massasoit except microbiology and human growth. GPA is 3.91 and teas score is 95 overall. I am writing my personal statement soon and my boss is hopefully going to give me his letter of recommendation soon. It is so stressful~. Are you a CNA or have any medical experience? I just started at a nursing home as a CNA. It is very sad and difficult but I am told it is worth it. Stay positive. . Good luck on your TEAS.
I volunteer in the OR but i am not a CNA or else i come from a family of Doctors and have some more experience trough relatives, i take the Teas Monday for what i been told is only reading comprehension for Massasoit so hopefully i will do good. best of luck for you too maybe i see you in class in the fall let me know how it goes.
are you taking micro and Human growth now in the spring? with your GPA and scores you should have no problem getting in i will assume.
Gahh I hope we both get in :bowingpur. Did you go to an information session? I forget if the admissions director said that 400 or 600 people applied last year and 50 get in. O well-- I guess fate will work it out.
No i did not go to the info session, I am taking the teas Monday drooping my application and waiting. Massasoit is the only place i be applying and 2010 is my one only shot for personal reasons.
best of luck to you and i hope we both get in !!
Ok So additional to My Statement above lol , I got a 93 on my TEAS , I heard some girls taking the test, that the school requires an 88 or better so now am crossing my fingers , writing my essay and sending the complete application this week. I was a bit worry because i finish the test with 17 minutes still remaining so i was worry i might have speed trough the questions but i did ok. we will see what happens :)
PS: while there was about 25 girls and 5 of us boys taking the test , it was nice to see that more males are entering the field these days.
Awesome job! I totally agree that it is great to see men in the nursing field. We only have two or three male CNAs at my work. I'm dropping my application off on February 1. Good luck and I hope to see you in the fall.
286 Posts
What was on the test? Math, Eng,Chemistry, A&P etc?
For Massaoit is Only The Reading Portion of The TEAS , since they require you to already have your science , English composition, and math prerequisites, for which they look at the grades and want a B or better , as for the TEAS they require a 88% or better. And they like to see a GPA of 3.0 or better with on at least 15 college credits. They do consider high school students with good credentials,
I hope this helps.
1 Post
i went to the info session. MAssasoit requires an 88 on the teas reading portion for entrance so if you got under an 88 % i would seriously consider retaking the the test a 75 has no chance of cutting it. although 88% was last years requirement they may change it depending on how everyone has done since this year is a different version. i managed a 95.2% which is in the 99 Percentile. i also have an associate degree in business administration from masssasoit. my recent grades are an A in Biology a B+ in chemistry a crappy C+ in Aand P 1 i am taking A and P 2 now. i have an A in sociology and a B and a B+ in eng comp 1 and 2 respectively. i i got a crappy C in psychology. all of these classes would be A's if i wasnt also working full time taking the majority of classes at night after a full ten hour day landscaping. does that factor in at all. considering that it has a major impact on my grades which are allright, but are diminished since i am so tired always. does this resume sound at all like someone who may get inot the nursing program? also if i get into the eveing Nursing program will i be allowed to go faster since i will already have completed all classes except the nursing classes? or will i be forced to take only 1 class per semester? any ides for me would be greatly appreciated.