Published Feb 7, 2008
73 Posts
I am consider taking a CNA type job on an ortho unit at a hospital I don't intend to work at after graduation, at least not immediately. I also am not interested in ortho. However I have no working medical experience, and I graduate with my BSN in 12/08, so I'm wondering if it is worthwhile to take this job and try and transfer to another hospital upon graduation, since this is currently the only hospital I can "break into."
Specifically, I *hope* to work in a MICU/SICU as a new grad. I am wondering if these months of ortho CNA experience (with a possible transfer to a more relevant unit after six months) would make me significantly more marketable as a potential new grad ICU RN, given that I have no prior work experience. As well, I'm just wondering how marketable I would be for the ICU with this experience, without speaking relatively to my present, experience-less situation.
I'm also trying to get my school preceptorship in an ICU, but I don't know how easy that is to swing, nor do I know how much more helpful that would be on its own, without taking this ortho job. I know I would gain something from the ortho job in terms of confidence, etc., but I would consider it more heavily if it wasn't that helpful to my goals, and/or if getting an ICU school internship is all I'd need anyway.
I know these are a lot of questions, hope they aren't too confusing. Basically...would this job help my chances of going to an ICU straight out of school?
Thanks in advance!