LVN-RN online School in Maryland


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Designed specifically for the

Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse

  • Enter our program at the 2nd year level.

  • Upon program completion, apply to take
    NCLEX-RN exam.

  • You may complete the program in 18 months or less, depending upon evaluation of your transcripts and your success moving through the courses.

No on-campus classes to attend!

  • ALL theory course work completed online.

Clinical Component may be Completed Where You LiveGraduate from a Highly Acclaimed, Fully Accredited Program

  • ACM takes great pride in preparing nurses to meet the challenges of today's health care industry.

  • ACM's online program maintains the rigors of our traditional classroom courses, while providing the flexibility that working adults require.

  • ACM's Associate Degree Nursing Program is approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing, the Pennsylvania Board of Nursing, and is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) (formerly NLNAC) .

  • The Nursing Program at Allegany College of Maryland has been designated as a Health Manpower Shortage Program. This means that Maryland residents from outside Allegany County who enter the program may be eligible for in-county tuition rates. Check with the Admissions Office for more information.



[h=3] Download our Brochure [/h]




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[TD=align: justify]Distance Education Students Residing Outside of Maryland:

Each of the states has its own approval processes for out-of-state institutions offering distance education. While Allegany College of Maryland endeavors to offer all of its programs to as wide an audience as possible, our LPN-RN online program may not be available in all states.

Students must be a resident of an authorized state in order to be eligible to apply to the program. Students must complete their Clinical Hours in an authorized state. Currently we are authorized by the Higher Education Departments of the following states to offer our program: Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.




Here is the new List of Schools that offer Online LVN- RN bridge programs.

The following five professional nursing education programs offer an online program of study:

Austin Community College, Del Mar College, Panola College, Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi, and Western Governors University.

I have researched each of these programs. In case it will save others time and effort, here is a "status report" of what I found:

Austin Community College – web site says nothing about a distance program

Del Mar College - requires on-site clinicals

Panola College - requires on-site clinicals

Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi – web site says nothing about a distance program

Western Governors University - does NOT offer a fully distance program for initial licensure as an RN. They do offer a BSN for initial licensure which requires attendance at clinicals in one of 5 cities across the US. Those cities are located in: Southern California, Texas, Florida, (Indianapolis) Indiana and Utah. The school advises that "visiting" to complete clinicals is not feasible. If you wish to complete their program, it would be necessary to relocate to the city where clinicals will be scheduled. It may be necessary to attend clinicals any of the 7 days per week. The program requires 900 hours of clinical experience/supervision.

Good luck to any and everyone striving to progress in a career but challenged by access to appropriate training. I count myself among the many in the same boat. So far, it looks like the only truly distance options for those looking to do a LPN to RN program are Excelsior and ISU. If anyone has other suggestions, please share! Thanks.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

Del Mar no longer offers online program after they got in trouble with the BON.

TAMUCC offers an E-Line BSN track. The program is completed online & clinicals are completed via a preceptor. TAMUCC is INCREDIBLY competitive.

Check Lower Columbia College in Washington state

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