LVN/LPN program repeat, 50+ need help organizing!


Hi, I am 50-something and have attended school all my life, incl a BS and most of a MATS degree.

I love my LPN/LVN program and can handle it academically, but thanks to zoning out, commuting, and just being "tired" I missed some tests (on computer for certain time frames only), got zeroes and will have to repeat some classes, incl skills and clinicals. I don't mind it (will feel better going over the skills again), but can anyone clue me in on keeping up with EIGHT classes' worth of syllabi, staying awake behind the wheel, and being assertive with a disabled spouse (no kids or grandkids in picture)? He's a sweetie but I still need my computer time (even considered getting a tiny apt in the town so I can just go home, crash, and study a few nights a week--this probably won't fly).

I will re-start next month and go another 12 months. I really want and need to do this--I need to be gainfully employed until at least 70 and hopefully beyond that...all suggestions (links, good books on assertiveness, etc) would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Specializes in LTC.

Get yourself a calendar, and a few highlighters. Get all your syllabi together and start writing the due date for every test/assignment/whatever in the calendar. Then highlight all of the due dates, and try to color coordinate. For example, for fundamentals I use blue, for pharmacology I use pink, etc.. This really helps me to remember things, and make sure to keep it somewhere you will see it every day.

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