Published Jun 11, 2015
75 Posts
So I thought I would share what I had to learn the hard way. I started my LPN program in August 2014 and was suppose to graduate in a few weeks (end of July). Well I made it all the way to Med/Surg 2, which I failed. So now I'm taking it again and will graduate in December (we can only repeat one class and it has to be approved by the nursing programs. All my previous classes I had good grades and I was really strong in clinicals so they approved me). What I'm doing this time around:
I split my chapters up. This allows me to be able to learn a small amount of info at a time and really focus on learning the material instead of finishing a chapter and feeling overwhelmed. For example: I will take a chapter, look at the full number of pages, split it into two days, and learn it that way. This is the first time I did it because I HAD to find a way to study and do better. The test weren't the same FYI. I made an 87 this time around on my first test which is the hardest of the 3! I also take a highlighter into my test and highlight important things like signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and anything related to the patient. It actually kept me from getting s few answers wrong since ONE word can change an answer completely. I also make notecards of symptoms I need to remember like for respiratory and cardiac patients, etc. I hope this helps someone! Failing was a wake up call but I found what works for me. Thank God I was chosen to continue this program!