Putting my dream on hold

Nurses LPN/LVN


Well, I called the tech school today, and they are sending me information about the LPN program, but I'm kind of bummed, because they said it's only a full-time program that runs M-F 8am-3:45pm. Right now, I can't swing that, because I have an 18 month old at home, and I also babysit my 2 nieces during the weekdays. I was really hoping they offered part-time schooling with night classes.

Unfortunately, we can't afford daycare right now either. So it looks like I'm going to have to wait until my little one starts Kindergarten (in 3+ yrs) before I can pursue schooling. :(

Until then, I plan to read as much about nursing as I possibly can. Any recommendations on some good books?

I can't believe how much I want this. It almost feels like a passion. I am determined to make this happen... someday.

Another question too. Some have suggested that I just go for my RN instead, and do my pre-req's now. Well, this is embarrassing, but I didn't exactly have the best grades when I was in high school (almost 15 yrs ago). And then I went to a cc for about a year, majoring in early childhood educ., but more because I felt pushed to do so by others, and not because I felt like it was something that I wanted. it... so I really didn't try hard, and ended up dropping out with not so good grades. So I'm afraid, if I go to a school to apply for nursing, that they'll look at me (and my not so great schooling history) and I wont have a chance.

I can now see and feel the difference from when I was 19 and went to school to study education, and now at age 32, wanting to go to become a nurse. The difference is... the whole time I was studying to be a teacher, I really couldn't see myself as a teacher.... but I can see myself as a nurse.

It's only taken me, 32 yrs to figure out what I really want to be. LOL. :lol2:

When I attended college before, a long, long, time ago, my grades were horrible. I flunked out of a few classes, and got Cs and Ds in others. However, I am doing a lot better now in college, and the college here doesn't care about what happened many years ago. This one goes by the grades at this college only, and if I decided to become a RN, these better grades would help me out a lot. I would find out what your local college policies are regarding older grades because you may find that they may not care about them. If you wanted to become a RN, you could always start out with one class per semester. I'm sorry that the LPN program is only in the daytime, and that it doesn't work around your schedule. It doesn't hurt to get the information about the nursing programs now, and you sound really dedicated. :)

Thanks everyone! :)

I was wondering if anyone knows of any accredited online LPN programs? I think I'd rather do classroom learning, but I'd like to look into the online programs too.

Thanks in advance!

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